5 Concepts to Get Listings Sold in Today's Market
By Darryl Davis
RISMEDIA, November 17, 2010—Listings are the backbone of the real estate business. It’s important to build your inventory of listed properties, and service and market them well. But most agents don’t do enough with listings once they get them.
The following concepts will help you get your inventory sold, as well as help you service your sellers. What’s important is that you put a system in place that helps you achieve these important goals.
Concept 1: Sellers want communication. Most agents think the only thing homeowners want when they list with an agent is to sell their house. Of course this is important, but from the time they list with you to the time it sells, the No. 1 thing they want is communication. A frequent complaint about agents is that they list homes and are never heard from again. So keep in touch with the seller through various means, such as phone calls, e-mails, notes, and face-to-face meetings.
Concept 2: Commitment counts. Some sellers are totally committed to price, and less committed to moving. There’s nothing wrong with taking an overpriced listing as long as you communicate upfront that it’s overpriced. Make sure sellers know that by being more committed to price, they may not be able to sell.
Concept 3: Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Your job is not to outpromise your competition in order to get the listing. Keep the few promises you make rather than make many promises and break them.
Concept 4: Sell the agents, not the buyers. To boost your chances of selling, you need to have more agents through the door, which means more showings. Get agents excited so that out of all the homes on the market in this particular price range, they remember your listing best. Have the mindset that your job as a marketing agent is to motivate the other agents in your market – not just to sell a home.
Concept 5: Price it right. If your inventory isn’t selling, either your price or the marketing is wrong.
Check back tomorrow for some tips and techniques to market your listings.
For over 20 years, Darryl Davis has traveled around the country coaching agents and brokers on how to achieve their Next Level of success. He is the creator of the nationally acclaimed www.ThePowerProgram.com, the only yearlong coaching and training course where Power Agents, on average, double their production over their previous year. Darryl is a best-selling author, one of the highest rated speakers at the NAR Convention each year, and has a career-curriculum that brings agents from “Rookies to Retirement”. To find out about his training programs and/or speaking availability, please visit www.DarrylDavisSeminars.com or call 1-800-395-3905 1-800-395-3905 .For more information on the get your listings sold program, go to www.GetYourListingsSold.com.
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