Friday, June 25, 2010

Thank goodness for credit repair!!!

WHEW!!! We just dodged a bullet... (fingers crossed!)...

We have a short sale that is just about approved and the buyer (maybe the 2nd or 3rd buyer for this property!) just found out that he needs to bring his credit score up about 20 points before he can buy... UGH!!!

It's a great thing that we have a relationship with Brian Dinella from Avenue Financial because he's going to help this client improve his score! If all goes as planned, we should be ready to move forward in 60 days or so! It's crucial in this challenging market to have great service providers in your corner!

If anyone needs help call Brian @ 856-982-0084 or email him @

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What's up with all of these overpriced homes?!?!

I had appointments to show about 8 homes the other day with a client of mine who is looking in the $165,000 to $175,000 price range. He was really excited to head out and was extremely optimistic about finding a home that day... UNTIL... we saw about 3 of the 8 homes and realized how overpriced they were!!! I couldn't believe that these homes have been at their current prices for so long without a price adjustment... Sellers really need to understand that this market is flooded with listings and if your home isn't priced aggressively, buyers will pass on by... The only way sellers will realize this is if we, agents, have REAL conversations with our clients about pricing?!